Find solutions, creating added value!

Unternehmens- & Management Consulting
Interim- & Projekt Management

Vertriebs- & Handelsvertretung

Find solutions, creating added value!

Business- & Management Consulting - Interim- & Project Management - Sales- & Commercial Agency

Business- & Management Consulting

Interim- & Project Management

Sales- & Commercial Agency


25 Years of International Management Experience for Your Business or Project

I have over 25 years of experience in positions of business responsibility in industrial companies, as a member of the management board and as managing director. Initially in a corporate group and for the past 15 years in medium-sized companies. I spent several years in management positions in Asia and the USA.
Special challenges such as several M&A projects, restructuring projects with production relocations and economically turnaround also had to be successfully mastered during these years.

My sector is the electrical industry. In recent years with a focus on low-voltage transformers, chokes and filters for the machine and plant engineering markets as well as for drives and automation technology and medical technology.

In the past ten years, I have also worked as a sales director with a key account manager function. In addition to managing the sales, order center and technical teams as well as the innovation and sales processes, my main focus was on the quantitative and qualitative growth of the customer base with the development of new markets. My work and projects also focused on defining and implementing the sales strategy, improving sales profitability, strengthening customer loyalty and expanding the digital / online market and customer approach. I also took on management and project tasks at the Czech sites of German parent companies.

For more information about the company please click here

adscendum is Jan Reinecke
Founder and CEO
Diplom Kaufmann | MBA


adscendum focuses on interim management projects in the industrial sector, for the restructuring of organization and processes for the optimization of top and bottom line; agency and sales development for import trade business

adscendum puts the emphasis on sales management, corporate management, (post) M&A projects, turnaround projects, expertise for special entrepreneurial challenges

adscendum stands for professional and practice-oriented/"hands-on" project implementation with the aim of achieving economically measurable success for an increase in company value

adscendum entwickelt gemeinsam mit dem Auftraggeber konkrete Lösungsstrategien und gezielte Maßnahmenprogramme für die Erzielung der geforderten Verbesserung der Leistungs- und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

adscendum offers special sales expertise for sales growth, based on a defined business development strategy, effective (online) marketing measures and effective market communication

adscendum values, these are passion, integrity, quality and sustainably effective results for successful, satisfied customers




adscendum GmbH
Storchenweg 6
D-78256 Steißlingen



+49 1525 942 6088
